
PEP 8: Style guide for Python code

PEP 8 provides coding conventions for the the Python code in the standard library, and has been widely adopted by the community. All code should be checked for PEP 8 conformity.

Checking code with pycodestyle

You can use pycodestyle to verify that your code conforms to PEP 8 standards:

$ pycodestyle montage/

Or if you just want an overview of PEP 8 violations:

$ pycodestyle montage/ -qq --statistics

Django's style guide

The Django project builds on top of PEP 8, and includes a number of useful guidelines.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python

Written by Kenneth Reitz, of requests fame, The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python is an opinionated guide to code style, best practices, and common idioms. It's a good guide on how to write code that is Pythonic.